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RCM Performance Assessment

RCM Performance Assessment

Girl playing a grand piano
Whether you have an upcoming examination, festival, or recital, the Performance Assessment is the ideal way to improve your performance. Available for a limited time this August, piano, voice, violin, viola, cello, and double bass students from Preparatory to Diploma levels can participate in an RCM Performance Assessment. This remote session, conducted by an RCM examiner, offers written feedback on the performance of repertoire. Students may perform their entire repertoire program for an upcoming exam or a select number of pieces and receive constructive suggestions for improvement.

For students preparing for an RCM exam, the Performance Assessment serves as a “dress rehearsal” providing an opportunity for students to become more comfortable in a Zoom setting and test their audio settings prior to their actual examination. 

Only available this August, sign up for an RCM Performance Assessment today to receive valuable feedback and build confidence for your upcoming examination! 

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