They are: Accordion/Organ/Harpsichord, Brass, Guitar, Harp, Pedagogy/Teacher, Percussion, Piano, Speech Arts & Drama, Strings, Theory (co-requisite ARCT level only), Voice, and Woodwinds.
National Gold Medals will be awarded to those students who achieved the highest practical mark in the country (with a minimum of 90) and who successfully completed the corequisites for their discipline and level. National Gold Medals will be awarded for Levels 5 to 10 and include Elementary and Intermediate Piano Pedagogy. National Diploma Gold Medals are similar to National Gold Medals but are awarded for Diploma levels only, ie ARCT (including Piano Pedagogy/Teacher’s) and LRCM.
West: British Columbia, Yukon MidWest: Alberta, Northwest Territories, Nunavut Saskatchewan: Saskatchewan Manitoba: Manitoba Ontario: Ontario Quebec: Quebec Atlantic: New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, St. Pierre and Miquelon
The academic year is from July 1 to June 30. Exams taken before June 30 will be considered for awards and diplomas for that year. Exams taken after June 30 will be considered for awards and diplomas for the following year.
To be considered for an award, any applicable theory co-requisites must be completed in the same academic year as the practical exam to be considered for awards.
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