The examiner’s report will provide both number grades and written comments on each aspect of the examination. The RCM Certificate Program’s examiners undergo rigorous training to ensure a consistent standard of grading across the country. Written comments are intended to recognize achievement and recommend areas for growth and development.
The RCM Certificate Program grades according to the following scale:
First Class Honors with Distinction: 90–100%
First Class Honors: 80–89%
Honors: 70–79%
Pass: 60–69%
First Class Honors with Distinction: 90–100
This standing is reached by truly exceptional students. Students must demonstrate complete technical command and perform with a confident, masterful style. These students clearly show an authentic personal performance spark at the highest level.
First Class Honors: 80–89
At this standing, students present an engaging and intelligent performance, displaying technical polish and finesse. Students are well prepared and project personal musical expression.
Honors: 70–79
Students exhibit thorough and careful preparation and demonstrate some interpretive skills. Repertoire is presented with overall understanding and accuracy. There is awareness and general security in technical and musicianship elements. There may be areas in need of further development in skills or select repertoire.
Pass: 60–69
Students exhibit only a very basic level of preparation. The examiner’s report will reflect the areas that require further growth and development